One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

博士. 杰夫Haymond

When many parents look at the headlines about a college education, 他们问这个问题是很自然的, “这真的值得吗??” When university students (especially in so-called elite institutions) across the country are protesting Israel and effectively calling for the elimination of the Jewish state (with professors often brazenly leading the chants), 父母应该正确地问, “我们在为什么样的教育买单?” When college costs continue to rise and the media keeps reporting that corporations are more concerned about skills than the credential of a degree, parents rightly question the value proposition of a college education. 作为一名经济学家, 我生活在一个“没有解决方案”的世界, 只有权衡,” with cost-benefit calculus at the heart of human decision-making. 那么,我们应该如何看待大学教育呢?


Most analyses of a college education focus on the financial disparities between those who obtain a college degree and those who do not, and the data continue to show a stark difference in lifetime earnings, with college graduates on average earning over $1 million more than those with only a high school diploma. 我们可以讨论这种趋势是否会继续下去, but it seems clear that those with technical skills to integrate new tools and technology into their vocation will be more productive, 因此, 报酬更丰厚, 比那些做不到的人. And at the current time, most of those skills are well developed in a college setting, e.g.,计算机科学与工程. Maybe in the future someone will simply learn it all on their own and be able to demonstrate it convincingly to employers, but in the near term that is the exceptional path and not the norm.

So, 严格的成本效益分析, 一般的大学生都会说, “是的, 这是有道理的.“然而,这种计算仍然是综合的, and we know that the 工作 coming out of some academic disciplines pay less than others. 工程, 业务, 护理专业毕业生, 例如, are all likely to be more highly paid than students who complete some other degrees (on average). 然而,除了经济上的好处, many vocations require a college degree as their “union card” to gain employment (e.g.、护理). Some even require advanced degrees, such as athletic training. For many, the pursuit of God’s calling requires a college path.

But what if the strict financial cost-benefit analysis doesn’t support getting a degree? 在某些情况下,答案应该是“不”上大学. But for many, the answer should still be “yes,” despite the lack of financial return. 更大的目标是寻求神对你生命的呼召. 不像世界对经济决策的看法, God does not expect us to maximize the value of worldly resources as our measure of success. We are called to be faithful and pursue His calling on our lives, even if it costs us financially. 世界需要伟大的老师, 音乐家, 还有社会工作者, even if the degree may not provide as much financial return as some other path. 然而,对于这一类,我们需要非常小心. I’m highly doubtful that it is God’s calling on your life to pursue a college degree in a lower-paying vocation if that requires a large amount of debt. 神仍然需要管家, and if God hasn’t given you the resources to pursue a particular path with a reasonable payback period, then you should question whether that is really God’s call on your life. 那么,我们怎么知道? 谋士多,智慧也多. 15:22).


Yet beyond these financial considerations, Christians have a much bigger perspective to consider. We should not view a college education as simply a monetary analysis. A Christian should ask, “How does college lead me to more effective service?“我们的时间范围是永恒的, 因为这世界的事物都是短暂的, 但所不见的是永远的. 4:18). This leads us to look at things such as the traditional formative purpose of a university. How does a college experience change me into who God has called me to be? There is a reason why Cedarville University has a focus on 1000 Days — we understand the fundamental purpose of helping young people not be conformed to this world (as they often are at a secular university), 而是随着他们思想的更新而改变. We also understand the benefit of networking with other like-minded students, 其中一些人将成为一生的朋友和顾问. And while young people often outwardly scoff at this reason, we cannot overlook that many students will find their life’s partner at a university. And Christians understand the necessity of being equally yoked, so this is not a small potential benefit of attending a Christian university.

For many students, even if not for all, college can be an incredible value even when expensive. But this is especially true for Christians, who count the cost in view of eternity. As with any decision, the question is really “Is this God’s will for my life?” And part of the way we answer that question is considering how this path prepares us for a more godly walk with more effective service to others. 对于那些决定来沙巴体育的人, 我们承诺帮助你走一条更敬虔的道路, with preparation to enable you to have more effective service. May God grant each of us wisdom to choose the right path for His calling.





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