
About the Master of Ministry (MMin) Degree

Why Study Ministry at Cedarville?

你有兴趣在你目前的职业生涯中增加一个事工的重点吗? 或者你想在当地教会做一名更有效的教师, small-group leader, or ministry team lead. 也许你只是想增加你的知识 of the Bible for personal growth. Whatever the reason, 锡达维尔大学的在线硕士学位课程可以帮助你实现你的目标. 

锡达维尔大学的在线或校内事工硕士(MMin)课程将为你的职业领导和事工做好准备. 在线部学位课程的特点是创新, relationship-rich, and theologically grounded approach. 该计划是理想的那些谁目前在事工,并希望额外的事工培训,以提高他们的服务 或者那些已经在其他领域获得学位但正在寻找圣经的人, theological, and practical skills for lay ministry.

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What Sets Cedarville Apart?

Program Overview

Master of Ministry Program Highlights

Biblical and Practical -圣经神学与实际沙巴体育的完美结合, leadership training and servant ministry, 课堂讨论和实际经验.

Mentoring -一种有意识的以关系为基础的指导方法,从你在课堂上开始,延伸到毕业后的事工.

Real-World Experience -丰富的实习经验是该项目的一部分,将成为你课程学习的基石.

Flexible -可在线或在校完成,最短一年, 有全职或兼职的选择,以满足您的具体需求.


在事工硕士学位的目的是为许多事工的机会提供广泛的事工准备. 我们的MMin毕业生目前担任各种职务,包括主任牧师, campus pastor, and discipleship 跨文化宣教及大学事工的牧师.

Opportunities for Master of Ministry Students

作为你在线事工学位课程的一部分, 你将有多种机会塑造事工理念和个人事工技能.

Character Colloquium — Over the course of two semesters, 你将与事工硕士课程的项目主任会面,一起祷告,讨论与事工和生命有关的话题.

Internship -你将在完成事工课程的硕士学位后完成六小时的实习. 这种对实际事工的强烈接触有助于你在熟练的领导下获得事工经验 ministers.

Admission, Costs and Aid, Start Dates

Admission Requirements -在Cedarville的研究生院之旅的第一步是申请入学.

MMin Admission Requirements

Costs and Financial Aid — Your decision to pursue quality, 基督教研究生教育代表了你的职业生涯和专业发展的宝贵投资. To assure your degree is also affordable, 沙巴体育的研究生课程价格具有竞争力,并且可以通过各种经济援助来补充.

MMin Cost Information

Program Start Dates -全年均接受申请, 你可以在8月份注册并开始上课, October, January, March, May, or July.

Related Videos

View thumbnail for Preparing for Ministry

Preparing for Ministry

在线事工研究生Alvin Cheng解释了Cedarville的事工课程是如何给他提供有效的工具的, God-honoring ministry.

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MDiv or MMin – Which Is Right for You?

Listen as Dr. Jason Lee, Professor of Theological Studies, 解释了沙巴体育MDiv和MMin项目之间的主要区别.


Stewarding Your Gifts With a Graduate Degree

Listen as Cedarville's president, Dr. Thomas White, 讨论我们的研究生课程如何帮助你管理你的上帝赐予的才能为他的荣耀.


Why Choose Cedarville and Not a Seminary?

沙巴体育培养学生在当地教会服务的悠久历史及其加速发展, 节省成本的完成选项使我们的研究生事工计划是一个很好的选择.

Program Curriculum

You will complete courses in Bible, theology, and leadership, 以及实际事工经验和品格研讨会. For a complete look at courses, view the curriculum guide.

Sample courses:

  • Christian Apologetics
  • The Church and God’s Mission

Program Format and Related Programs

锡达维尔提供研究生和本科课程,有灵活的完成选择. You may also want to 当你考虑最适合你的学位或项目时,请考虑这些相关的项目.

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Program Contacts

Photo of Trent Rogers

Trent Rogers, PhD



Photo of Michael McKay

Michael McKay, PhD



Photo of Maggie Hess

Maggie Hess



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