


Unlock your path to a rewarding career in public or corporate accounting with Cedarville's distinctly Christian accounting program. Designed to empower you for professional success, this program goes beyond preparing you for a job. You'll learn how to make a Gospel impact through your vocation, no matter where God leads you.

Accounting is often referred to as "the language of business" because accountants communicate complex financial information to business decision-makers. 你将学会分析过去 活动, 预测未来业务, 测量性能, 跟踪费用, 并提供内部控制以防止欺诈或盗窃. 除了让你掌握这些基本技能, the program encourages you to lead through service and glorify God with your integrity in the workplace. 毕业后,你将准备好在商业世界中发挥影响力.

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  • 圣经的世界观

    The Bible is the authority for research and study in every class you'll take.
  • 辅导基督教教师

    You'll be taught by highly-credentialed professors who want you to succeed.
  • 最高安置率

    Our graduates achieve top career and grad school placement rates — 10% above the national average.



全面的 – You will be introduced to each of the major divisions of accounting: financial, 管理, 审计, 税, 政府和非营利组织, 会计信息系统.

Christ-focused -每门课程都融入圣经, you will be challenged to be a successful accountant and an ethical professional who uses your vocation to glorify God. You will also be challenged to use your business skills and knowledge as a pathway to serve individuals, 教堂, 非营利组织.

完成 -作为一个雪松大学会计专业的学生, you will be part of a program that regularly ranks high among Ohio universities for the first-time pass rate on the Uniform Certified Public Accountant (CPA) exam. The accounting major provides the courses necessary to meet the requirements to take the CPA exam in Ohio and many other states.


我们为我们成功的毕业生感到骄傲! 罗伯特W. 石膏商学院 were employed or in graduate school within six months of graduation. 看看Cedarville的其他安置率.



Read a recent article that highlights the Integrated Business Core (affectionately known as the IBC), a course that gives all Cedarville business majors the opportunity to envision a new business, 确保风险投资, 制定战略计划, 推销他们的产品, 分析他们的利润, 投资社区, 关掉生意,一个学期就搞定!


With a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Cedarville University, 你将为以下职业做好准备:

  • 审计师
  • 预算分析
  • 控制器
  • 联邦调查局特工
  • 金融分析师
  • 内部审计人员
  • 国税局代理
  • 管理顾问
  • 税务顾问

除了注册会计师(CPA)考试, your courses will prepare you for other certifications such as the Certified Management Accountant (CMA) exam and the Certified Internal 审计师 (CIA) exam.

Our graduates have found professional employment working at CPA firms including EY, 德勤, 毕马威(KPMG), 均富, Plante Moran, 克罗, 克拉克, Schaeffer, 哈科特, 注册会计师, 和棉絮, 莫里森, 威尔士和李, 以及大公司,包括 进步保险,摩根大通,和LexisNexis.

研究生 and professional programs and employers welcome Cedarville University graduates each year. It is important to note that some professional career fields you may pursue require additional education, 经验, and/or licensure beyond the completion of your Cedarville University undergraduate degree.

校友 结果: Corbin and Sheila Edmonds – New York, New York

校友 Corbin and Sheila Edmonds are using their Cedarville degrees to make a Gospel impact in New York City.


As an accounting major, you will have the following co-curricular opportunities:

实习 — 实习 give you real-world 经验 in the accounting field. Our students have gained valuable 经验 in internships at CPA firms, 大公司, 小型企业.

集成业务核心(IBC) -《沙巴体育》认可, this two-semester program allows you to integrate classroom learning with practical business 经验. 作为团队的一员, 你要制定一份商业计划, 获得融资, 营销和销售产品, 然后把你的利润捐给当地的慈善机构.

学生组织 — Students can choose to participate in business-related student organizations:

  • 会计学会 ——本组织, 面向所有会计专业的学生, provides opportunity for career exploration and networking with business professionals.
  • 学生领导小组(SLT) - SLT为罗伯特·W. 石膏商学院 by building community among students and faculty, 培养人际关系, 计划和执行活动和项目.
  • 商界女性 — 商界女性 is an organization dedicated to helping women in professions learn more about reaching goals in careers, 在家里, 并投入使用.


以你的核心文科和圣经辅修课程为基础, you will take challenging accounting courses that will provide the knowledge you need to be successful on the certification exams (e.g.,注册会计师,注册会计师)考试. 在财务会计课程中,你会 gain understanding of complex accounting issues and learn the tools to analyze and interpret financial statements. 在管理会计课程中, you will learn how to help businesses use accounting information to make good business decisions.


  • 会计信息系统
  • 联邦所得税


Save time and money in college by taking dual enrollment courses now. Discover how you can complete your business degree up to a year early with the 双录取 通往商业之路.



Cedarville offers both graduate and undergraduate programs, with flexible completion options. 你可能也想 consider these related programs as you consider the degree or program that is a best fit for you.


  • 研究生
  • 在线







